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Monday-Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Do You Have Any Questions About Your Project At Height?

Wind Turbine Inspections

Our comprehensive wind turbine inspection methods allow our clients to establish preventative maintenance protocol, while also ensuring that turbines are in compliance with evolving industry standards.

With a process defined as non-destructive testing (NDT), Safe Rope Access technicians can efficiently inspect and evaluate structural integrity, identify potential defects, and detect faulty components or premature damage that exists internally or externally. We work rapidly, safely, and diligently to provide the inspection data and expert analysis you need to preserve the performance and longevity of your wind turbines.

Driven by our multifaceted wind turbine repair and maintenance experience, we are often able to diagnose problems on the spot, while recommending the most cost-effective solutions possible to minimize the impacts of prolonged downtime.


We have the flexibility to create inspection reports based on our industry standardized reporting format, or we can utilize a specified client inspection report format upon request.

An Ounce Of Prevention

We are strong proponents for the importance of scheduled inspections, and we will work with each client to establish a consistent turbine inspection schedule to meet their unique needs and requirements.

A preventative inspection program empowers our clients to take maintenance action swiftly, optimize profitability, and enhance turbine dependability, while also helping to prevent systemic failures.


When you partner with Safe Rope Access on a well-defined inspection plan, you can move forward confidently with the knowledge that your system and all of its components are in optimal working order, at all times.

Warranty Coverage

The complex process of identifying warranty responsibilities is simplified with regular comprehensive inspections and detailed analytical reports.

 With our rigid attention to detail and precise documentation, the owner and manufacturer can review evaluated areas of damage, while also working to identify widespread problems versus isolated incidents. If the diagnosis falls under warranty and requires a specific maintenance solution, our team can typically handle the repair work needed to meet warranty conditions.

Conquer the Impossible, Redefine Accessibility

We Provide Quality Operations and Training for Specialized Projects in Height.